An animal hauled plough guided by local people.



In the face of drought and uncertain rainfall, agroecology is emerging as a beacon of hope for Namibia's farmers. By blending traditional and scientific principles, agroecology promotes sustainable and resilient food systems that conserve water, improve the soil and produce diverse crops. In regions where water is scarce and the climate is unpredictable, as it is in Namibia, this approach to agriculture is crucial.

North-eastern Namibia, where many people rely on crop farming, is part of the Kavango-Zambezi (KAZA) Transfrontier Conservation Area that covers Namibia and four neighbouring countries. Through the KAZA Arise project implemented in Namibia by the Namibia Nature Foundation in cooperation with Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation, farmers like Grace Matengu and Phedinant Mate are embracing agroecological techniques to overcome environmental challenges. KAZA Arise is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development under the Bengo Engagement Global programme managed by WWF Germany.


Grace Matengu – turning challenges into opportunities


Grace Matengu, a 50-year-old subsistence farmer in Kanono, Zambezi Region, practises agroecology to reduce her reliance on rainfall and irrigation to feed her daughter and four grandchildren. Despite living near two major rivers, Grace's 25x100m plot does not receive enough water. She has no access to a borehole and using municipal water for irrigation is too expensive. Grace therefore relies on land preparation techniques using agroecological principles to maximise her yields from rain-fed crops.

For maize, she uses basin planting, whereby she digs small basins in the ground that are filled with compost or manure to help retain moisture. For other crops, she uses a technique called ridge ripping – creating raised rows of soil that reduce erosion and improve water infiltration. Before this, Grace spent days manually digging ridges with a hoe, but with the support of her neighbours and project resources, she now completes the work in an hour.

The severe drought reduced her crop yields this year, but also revealed the value of agroecology. I only got a bucket of maize, unlike the 15 to 50kg bags I would get in previous years with sufficient rain. Most of the crops died, but they had survived for much longer than other farmers' because of the agroecological practices, which retained the moisture from the little rains we had received, for longer, says Grace.

She plans to plant maize, beans, watermelons and pumpkins in the coming season, hoping that agroecology will help sustain her family and improve her yields.

A woman holds a plough while others watch.


A smiling man points at a rich soil bed.



Phedinant Mate – a thriving agroecology system

42-year-old Phedinant Mate is a father of six from Kwando Conservancy in Zambezi Region, who has transformed his homestead into an agroecological success. Practising conservation agriculture for three years under the KAZA Arise project, Phedinant has cultivated a thriving garden despite the area's harsh climatic conditions.

His yard is characterised by rich, well-nourished soil achieved though composting, mulching and biochar application. These techniques have helped him to grow fruit trees like pawpaw, guava and mango, providing nutritious food for his family and the community. Despite the 2024 drought, Phedinant's knowledge of water retention helped him sustain his crops, generate income and even pay for his children's school fees.

As a lead farmer, Phedinant shares his skills with others in his community, I want to make sure we put food on the table by making our soil rich. So, I share knowledge on how to make compost, production of biochar and many other techniques. He also sells seedlings at N$ 30 per plant, creating an extra income stream. However, even with his progress, water scarcity remains a challenge. A community borehole offers some relief, but disputes often arise over water allocation. In response, the KAZA Arise project plans to support him with improved water infrastructure this year.


Resilience wins the battle

Despite the challenges of drought and climate change, Grace and Phedinant remain optimistic. They continue to demonstrate how agroecology can improve lives even when access to water is difficult and the rains are not sufficient. With continued support and innovation, agroecology can secure food production and environmental sustainability for generations to come.


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Portrait photograph of Trendy Mulela.